
Why Every Household Needs A Repair Plan

During our daily tasks, we can sometimes forget the ease and convenience our household appliances create for us. This, however, becomes evident rather quickly when they break or suddenly stop working.

It can be tedious and time-consuming when trying to organise the repairs of your appliances. This is where MasterCare steps in to make it easy and hassle-free for you.

What a Repair Plan Covers #

The MasterCare Repair Plans are in place to take the sting out of appliance repairs, providing a cost-effective solution to have your household appliances covered.

With Mastercare, your repair plan covers your appliances when you need it most. This is something that every household can benefit from having in place. We can’t predict when our appliances will break, and this safeguards that.

With a repair plan, there is no need to fork out huge sums of cash for labour, call-out fees, and repairs. Instead, a repair plan is secured by small monthly payments that cover a variety of repairs over time, depending on which option is taken.

Repair Plans vs Warranties: The Difference #

Now that we’ve gotten into the basis of what a repair plan does, this is not to be confused with the role of a warranty.

A warranty is in place as a certification of a product’s quality, state, and specifications. This is issued by the manufacturer and will be in place and valid for a given amount of years, differing from case to case.

A warranty does not act as a repair plan as it does not cover the appliance’s repair but rather confirms its quality.

MasterCare Repair Plan Options #

We offer a wide variety of options to have your own repair plan that meets the exact needs of your requirements and budget. There are five-tier repair plans to choose from, varying in what they offer, cover, and plan for. These are namely:

  1. Essential + (R159 pm)
  2. Pro (R199 pm)
  3. Pro + (R259 pm)
  4. Premium (R299 pm)
  5. Black (R399 pm)

For a small monthly fee, you are able to secure the maintenance, care, and repair of your household appliances all in one concise plan. This saves both time and money for you now and in the future.

Types Of Appliance Repairs: #

How To Get Started #

With a variety of repair plan options, you can find the perfect plan to meet your requirements and monthly budget. Cover your appliances with a maintenance plan that plans for the long-term, helping you save for the future.

Five Simple Steps #

  1. Sign up
  2. Pay your monthly fee
  3. Broken appliance? Call us or book a job online
  4. We’ll come to you
  5. Appliance fixed

Key Benefits #

Save Money & Time #

Don’t wait till an electrical appliance packs up. A small monthly subscription could save you thousands of Rands.

Specialist Care #

Our dedicated team of technicians from all over South Africa are specialists in the care of all your appliance and electronics maintenance and repairs.

Support #

Get all the guidance you need for a hassle-free solution from our call centre support team, who are always happy to take your call.

Nationwide #

Call on us, and we will come to you! We have a national footprint and are happy to assist you anytime.

Safeguard Your Household #

Every household needs the added peace of mind in knowing appliance repairs can be optimised. We strive to uphold the highest quality service whilst making it easier for you as we take the stress out of appliance repairs and maintenance.

To learn more, discover our full range of repair plans & more services here.

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Wesley Rabie - CEO of MasterCare

We are here to serve you, if you have any complaints, speak to me directly.

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